OptiPath - Modify feed rates to make tool paths faster & more efficient.

Knowledge-Based Machining

VERICUT is a true knowledge-based machining system: through the simulation process, it learns the exact depth, width, and angle of each cut. And it knows exactly how much material is removed by each cut segment. With that knowledge, OptiPath divides the motion into smaller segments. Where necessary, based on the amount of material removed in each segment, it assigns the best feed rate for each cutting condition encountered. It then outputs a new tool path, identical to the original but with improved feed rates. It does not alter the trajectory.

How it works…

As the cutting tool encounters more material, feed rates decrease; as less material is removed, the feed rates speed up accordingly. Based on the amount of material removed by each cut segment, OptiPath automatically calculates and inserts improved feed rates where necessary. Without changing the trajectory, OptiPath writes the updated feed rates to a new NC program.

More on OptiPath®

More on OptiPath®
OptiPath® reads the NC tool path file and divides motion into a number of smaller segments.

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