


Seminar - 2018
Modeling and Anslysis of Water, Sewer&Stormwater Network Infrastructure

Modelarea și Analiza Infrastructurii Rețelelor de Apă&Canalizare, Ape Pluviale

Craiova, Hotel Sydney

6 - 7 June

The use of hydraulic models for water and sewer systems analysis and for developing options for addressing requirements, offers unmatched benefits.

Understanding the performance of such a system, including problem identification and the cause associated with each problem, involves a multitude of complex processes with variables that can take into account different factors such as weather conditions, date, history, and current state of networks, status the development / construction of its network, certain operational settings.

Proper network management, with reports and analysis included, water loss detection and disruption planning, and the publication or visualization of network-related maps are elements that must be lacking in any company and are a real support in decision-making.

INAS and Bentley Systems invite you to take advantage of a 2-day free seminar dedicated to demonstrating the benefits of using the latest technologies dedicated to hydraulic modeling, energy efficiency improvement, water loss detection and many other associated benefits.

The Seminar "Modeling and Analysis of Water, Sewer&Stormwater Network Infrastructure 2018" will be held from 6-7 June [Craiova, Hotel Sydney]. You can add the event to your calendar HERE .

In this seminar will be presented the latest technology of Bentley Heastad, Bentley Map & OpenUtilities, as a potential GIS for utilities, SUDA / SUE for 3D design and profile creation, drawing creation, component conflict detection, Bentley Heastad technologies for network design, analysis and optimization. There will also be presented the latest Bentley solutions purchased with regard to pluvial / flood water modeling, risk analysis and flood warning.


Modelarea și Analiza Infrastructurii Rețelelor de Apă&Canalizare, Ape Pluviale

Agenda            Registration            Download the registration form(.pdf)

Because we want the Seminar to be an important and exciting event for you, you will be actively involved in the seminar, working directly with our software solutions. For the good event, please have a laptop on which the licenses will be installed.

The registration deadline is 25 May 2018. Limited number of seats.

To whom do we address?

Waterworks staff, mainly staff of the following departments: GIS, hydraulic modeling, projects and planning, water loss, operations, SCADA, management.

Staff and program managers from local and regional government: municipalities, river agencies, water network committees, stormwater management companies.

Consulting companies engaged in water, sewage, stormwater and road infrastructure, notably project managers, GIS & hydrology engineers, designers, technology and innovation staff, investment planners.

Construction companies dealing with water, sewage, stormwater and road infrastructure: designers and engineers, management personnel.

Academy and independent professionals

The participants will receive free 30-day licenses for WarerGEMS Connect, SewerGEMS Connect and HAMMER software solutions, training manuals, technical datasheets and eBooks.

For information on the software solutions to be used within this SEMINAR, please visit the Hydraulics and Hydrology page.


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