Research & Development
Research projects with direct application in industry

Research projects with direct application in industry

  • Study on the re-evaluation of the fire detection system related to CCPON, belonging to CNE-PROD Cernavoda - Unit 1.

  • Technical evaluation evaluation of the gearbox with worm gear - worm wheel from the component of the “POD MID” assembly at CNE - PROD Cernavoda - Unit 1

  • Evaluation of the mechanical resistance of the front spoiler assembly from the composition of the beneficiary subway car SC Clagi SRL.

  • Calculation of the energy efficiency of the Francis hydro unit with the specifications / input data / geometric parameters provided by Hydro Engineering

  • „ULP LTG2. New engines for the Q2 box ”- Elaboration of the dynamic study, using the finite element method of the finishing box components of rolling mill 2, Table Groase, from MITTAL STEEL Galați.