Government-funded research and development projects through the National Research and Development Plan in which INAS participated
PNCDI II National Plan for Research-Development and Innovation for the period 2007 - 2013
- HIPEAS - Enhancement of lightweight panel performance through a new design optimized for advanced aeronautical structures
- TURIST - Gas turbine using combustion in situ
DEMIAD - Demonstration of an innovative method of development / optimization of aero – hydro – gas – dynamics
MATPRO - Technological platform for the design and manufacture of modulated moulds on high-productivity tool machines
EVAPRED - Predictive evaluation of aircraft structure behavior for crew and passenger safety
INPROV - Tools and techniques for designing and analyzing aeronautical structures in a 3D visual environment
FSI - Software Platform for analysis of FSI-structure fluid interaction
IT - FPS - Interactive training information system in the field of hydraulic and pneumatic drive systems
AMTA - Pre concept multifunctional aircraft for advanced training
PNCDI I National Plan for Research-Development and Innovation for the period 1999 - 2006
Virtual prototype IAR 99 - Dynamic study - PNCD I Relaunched in 2002. Contracting Authority: Executive Unit for the Financing of Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation (UEFISCDI)
Virtual prototype 4x4 vehicle - PNCD I program Relaunched in 1999. Contracting Authority: Executive Unit for the Financing of Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation (UEFISCDI)