
High Performance Engineering Solutions 2024


HPES 2024 - Hands-on


Important for Hands-on Sessions:

  • Opportunity for business talks; Limited places.

  • Please early register for the Hands-On sesssions, taking into account the limited number of seats! (8 for each software).
  • For the Hands-on sessions, please make sure you bring your personal laptop. Licenses will be provided by INAS, based on the registration form. Licenses must be installed at least 3 days before the conference.
  • After submitting the registration form you will receive all the necessary steps to activate your license.
Ansys Mechanical - Agenda
Ansys Mechanical Overview
General understanding of different tools available in ANSYS Mechanical
Workshop 01 – General understanding of different tools available in ANSYS Mechanical
Workshop 02 – Using joints to connect parts in an assembly. Component Mode Synthesis (CMS)
Vibration analysis
Workshop 03 - Modal cyclic symmetry of a bevel gear
Workshop 04 - Random vibration analysis for a girder assembly
Multiple calculation scenarios and loading steps
Workshop 05 – Multiple calculation scenarios and loading steps
Workshop 06 – Multistep analysis of a pipe clamp assembly
Nonlinear structural analyses
Workshop 07 - Frictional contact simulation
Workshop 08 - Enhancing a frictional contact interface using APDL commands
Impact simulation
Workshop 09 - Circuit board drop test
Workshop 10 - Drop test of a bottle containing two different fluids (air and water)
Mesh free - Using of SPH particles
Workshop 11 – Impact simulation between a bird and an airplane wing
Using adaptive meshing (LS-DYNA)
Workshop 12 – Drop test of a bottle containing two different fluids (air and water)
Ansys Electronics - Agenda

Ansys High Frequency Overview

Workshop 01 - Investigation on EM fields on human body - 2D simulation of High Voltage power transformer on substation personal (Ansys Maxwell).

Workshop 02 - Simulation of a speed sensor for planetary gears: 2D electromagnetic & system simulation (Ansys Maxwell & Twin Builder).

Workshop 03 - Power loss & coil parameter calculus: 2D/ 3D electromagnetic simulation & Design of Experiments implementation (Ansys Maxwell).

Workshop 04 - High speed connector simulation: 3D study on channel impedance vs. pin & trace geometry (Ansys HFSS).

Workshop 05 - 3D Antenna modeling: coupling performance of PCB/ chip antennas operating @ 2 to 5 GHZ (Ansys HFSS).

Bonus Workshops:

Workshop 06 - Electro-thermal analysis of an induction system for heat treatment of metal pieces (Ansys Maxwell & Icepak).

Workshop 07 - Effects of DC current on the human heart: 3D coupled thermo-electrical simulation (Ansys Maxwell & Icepak).

Ansys Fluids - Agenda

Introduction to Ansys Fluids

Workshop 01 - Development of a centrifugal compressor stage;

Workshop 02 - Micro gas turbine combustion chamber simulation;

Workshop 03 - Gas Turbine Exhaust nozzle simulation;



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