Integrity Software Inc. - SofTrack

Integrity Software Inc.

SoftTrack Solutions

Over the past 25+ years SofTrack has cumulatively saved customers over $1 Billion USD in managing their software license assets.

With over 15,000 lifetime customers, SofTrack installations are found in a wide range of environments, including:

  • Schools Districts (K-12)
  • Colleges & Universities
  • Financial Services
  • Energy
  • Engineering & Technical
  • Chemical
  • Healthcare
  • Legal
  • Automotive
  • Aerospace
  • Mining
  • Transport
  • Governments


Simplifying IT Asset Management: Inventory

SofTrack helps you by automating manual processes such as hardware and software inventory thereby saving time and money through automatic and regular collection plus change tracking.

SofTrack's automation eliminates errors of manual collection processes and can even collect inventory data from offline workstations.

You can literally have SofTrack installed and collecting hardware + software inventory data from your workstations in less than 30 minutes with full reporting.

There are no complicated or cumbersome installation procedures to begin receiving beneficial reports from SofTrack.

Simplifying IT Asset Management: License Compliance

Through use of SofTrack's Smart Inventory (automatic software inventory + software usage agent) you will learn what applications are installed on your workstations and how frequently each is used.

Unlike other products, SofTrack does not rely on Windows® Add or Remove programs application "last used" date.

Instead, SofTrack uses a specially developed technology that automatically discovers what applications have been installed and then automatically determines the filename(s) for each and then watches for use of those files and tallys data for the Smart Inventory reports.

SofTrack also provides traditional software metering where you define the applications (by filename) to monitor and control use of.

Simplifying IT Asset Management: End-User Control

With SofTrack you will receive additional benefits including automatic prompting for user-entered timekeeping codes that can be used to track application use with purposes of billing it back to its end-consumer whether it be an internal department or outside customer.

Other benefits include automatic termination of idle applications (or simply issue warnings to the user to resume use); blocking of certain file access including web-downloads and data copy operations to detachable devices.

Simplifying IT Asset Management: End-User Auditing

When you use SofTrack you can receive reports of web-browsing activity (from the workstation's point-of-view); logon and logoff activity including lock+unlock times; and, data file open, delete and create activity.

SofTrack helps you simplify IT Asset Management

Please review the links at the top left on this page for further information of how SofTrack will help you today.