HPES 2021

This year we celebrate 30 years! And even if we can't meet physically to celebrate this anniversary, we have started the preparations for the traditional HIGH PERFORMANCE ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS 2021 event, in virtual format.

[virtual] HIGH PERFORMANCE ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS 2021, remains an event dedicated to the most advanced digital technologies: design, manufacturing, simulation (structural, CFD, electromagnetic, optics, systems & embedded software), IoT, virtual and augmented reality, digital twins.

The 13th edition of the event will be organized virtually between September 28 and October 1, 2021 and is part of our project to build an important community of information and socialization for companies, research institutes and universities, marking at the same time, the beautiful anniversary of the 30 years of experience and the presence on the profile market in Romania.

Because we want HIGH PERFORMANCE ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS to be an important andinteresting event for you every year, this year we continue with the same structure:

[Main stage] sessions are available free of charge for all participants, and [Workshops] sessions are available for a fee, participants receiving access to licenses. The number of tickets for [Workshops] is limited.






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