Poiana Brașov, Hotel Ana Sport, 23-24 May
Come and get your prize at HPES 2019!
There are still a few days and we will meet in Brasov. Like every year, we have prepared great prizes, which will be awarded by lottery.
Prize 1 - ANSYS Discovery Enterprise license - 5 month
Prize 2 - ANSYS Discovery Standard license - 5 month
Prize 3 - ANSYS Discovery Essentials license - 5 month
Prize 4 - Moldex3D eDesign license license - 6 month
Prize 5 - Moldex3D eDesign license - 6 month
Prize 6 - Moldex3D eDesign license - 6 month
Prize 7 - Moldex3D eDesign license - 6 month
Prize 8 - Moldex3D eDesign license - 6 month
Prize 9 - Course ANSYS 3 days (choice of standard courses)*
Prize 10 - Course - Introduction to Creo 5 days
Prize 11 - HDD Seagate portable 2TB USB 3.0 2.5" Black
Prize 12 - Virtual Reality Glasses Samsung
Prize 13 - Smartwatch Ultra Slim, Black
Prize 14 - Speaker portable Amazon Echo Dot 3, Sandstone
Prize 15 - Headsets on-ear Bluetooth JVC