INAS is affiliated with the following professional associations:

ARTENS - the Romanian Association of Tensometry ( is a professional, scientific, non-governmental and non-profit association. The activity of the association is supported by the Romanian Academy, Technical Sciences Department and aims to develop the use of experimental methods and techniques, modeling and calculation of stresses and strains in structures.

TECHNIUM SCIENCE - Technium Science ( is an international center for supporting distinguished researchers, teachers, scholars and students who are researching various areas of Science and Technology.

ATTR - the Technical Association of Foundry in Romania ( is a technical-scientific professional organization with complete autonomy, non-governmental, apolitical and non-profit activity. It is an open organization with unlimited number of members, individuals and businesses. The purpose of ATTR is to defend the interests of labor and social professionals working directly or indirectly in the foundry industry - engineers, economists, professors, researchers, designers from institutes and centers of research and design, students, production and marketing specialists in the field of cast ferrous and nonferrous alloys. ATTR is affiliated to the General Association of Engineers in Romania (AGIR) and to the World Foundry Organisation (WFO).

CCIDJ - Chamber of Commerce and Industry Dolj ( is an autonomous, non-governmental, public utility, apolitical, non-patrimonial, nonprofit organization with legal personality, created to represent, defend and support the interests of its members and the business community in relation to public authorities and bodies in the country and abroad. CCIDJ promotes the interests of its members in the development of trade, industry, agriculture, services and all other economic sectors in order to develop a favorable business environment. DOLJ Chamber of Commerce was established on the initiative of traders and acquired legal personality upon the entry into force of the Government Decision no. 799 of 23 July 1990. DOLJ Chamber of Commerce is the continuator and the successor of Craiova Chamber of Commerce founded in 1865.